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Elephant in your pocket?

As a small kid, before giving up search of something which I had lost, I would go to my grandmother to seek help.

If not successful in the normal course, she would point me to unconventional corners. Upon asking if it was logical to spend time looking there, she used to say - "When you lose your elephant, you search everywhere - even your pockets..."


This post is about Perseverance. One of the virtues that separates successful people from those who are not.

Many a times we give up when we are very close to our success. We might just run out of ideas or strength at a very critical juncture.

In my business, there have been multiple occasions where we felt that we have come to the end of the road. Surprisingly, in every single instance we have been able to find out a way. It seems - as if there is a path next to every cliff!

Take a look at Napolean Hill's book, 'Think and Grow Rich'. I would encourage you to read R.U.Harby's story in there. He and his uncle left a gold mine 3 feet away (after digging for long). Someone else came and made a fortune by digging a few feet.

Sometimes we do not look at all the possible options before giving up. It takes a lot to go there. We should not let our efforts go waste.You never know, the solution might be dangling in front of your eyes. We just do not bother to look at it. 


You might find your lost Elephant even in your pocket. 

Surely, he can't be hiding in there! Then how...

Well, you might find a slip in there, that has the name of the place where you had left the Elephant before forgetting!


  1. Great vision for life..this inspires others to have a positive attitude in life.


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