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Misfortunes - Bane or Boon?

Misfortunes are by definition negative in their connotation. We all dread encountering misfortunes. The reality though is that we cannot predict or avoid them. What comes after the misfortune is mostly up-to us to shape - Your mind decides if it will be good or bad.

Misfortunes force us to try out new things - some that we do not try but cannot; due to the cocoon in which we are sitting before the misfortune.

I would like to illustrate this with a short story that was narrated to me by a wise and old man from Sweden.


This is the Story of Niklas, a blacksmith who found a job in the nearby factory - at the advent of Industrial revolution in Sweden, 100 miles North of Stockholm. His heavy build, earned him a literally heavy job; one that required him to open and close the companies heavy gates.

After a few years, the owner of the factory died and his son, who has studied in the college, took over the reigns. The first thing he wanted to was to get rid of the 'uneducated' manpower that his 'mildly educated' father had employed.

Niklas was among the large number of workers who were laid off. Dejected he came home and told his wife. She advised him start making metal toys and sell them at the local villages Sunday market.

This gave them the much needed cash to survive.

A few months later a rich Lady from Stockholm visited the fair; she was amused by Niklas' toys and she ordered 1.000 pieces. This was a large order - almost his yearly produce, but he proceeded to produce them in the next 3 months.

His business increased and he decided to move to Stockholm. Soon he came a very rich man. His Chartered Account was Fredrik and soon they became very good friends.

Once when Fredrik was sick, he sent his assistant Nils to get signatures on some important papers from Niklas. The next day Nils recognised that he had got the signatures on the wrong papers and went back to Niklas to have the new papers signed.

Niklas signed the new papers but not before the young lad noticing that Niklas did not understand a word of what was written on the papers. He politely asked Niklas if he cold ask a personal question. Niklas replied "Yes, go ahead young man".

Nils said "Sir, please do not mind me asking this question. But is appears that you cannot read. Is that true?". Nilkas replied "Yes, my dear lad". Nils once again said "You are such a rich and famous man - imagine what you could be if you were educated!".

"I would be opening and closing the gates at the Factory", Niklas smiled musefully.


Are you still opening and closing the gates at the Factory?


  1. Great story Abhay - with a vital message that everything in life happens for good, and we should take good and bad times in our stride.

  2. Nice to see your blog Sir ...
    Keep sharing to motivate your followers ...

    Hope u remember i read poem in AHM :)


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